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When Do Babies Get Eyebrows?


When Do Babies Get Eyebrows? Babies are born with Eyebrow hair, but the hair darkens and becomes visible at the 2 to 3-month mark. It’s a common misconception that infants are born with no hair. Most infants have fine hair growth at birth, which is why their Eyebrows appears almost invisible.

It’s not uncommon for first-time parents to feel a little apprehensive when their babies supposedly don’t have eyebrows. But the truth is, all infants have hair. It’s just that some babies have thin or fine hair, which is why the strands aren’t too visible.

Just like Baby Cradle Cap resolves on its own, your infant’s hair will darken and thicken over time to make hair growth visible. If you’re hoping to learn more about babies and facial hair like eyebrows and eyelashes, you’re in the right place. Stick with us as we break down all there is to baby hair growth and related concerns!

Do Babies have Eyebrows?

dry skin on baby forehead and Eyebrows
When do newborn Eyebrows come in?

Yes, all babies have eyebrows at birth. However, the appearance of facial hair can vary from infant to infant. For example, some babies have a light peach fuzz, while others have an indentation where eyebrows should be. 

This doesn’t mean your baby doesn’t have eyebrows. Instead, your little one likely has very fine hair that’s not very visible to the naked eye.

Try running your finger gently over your baby’s brow area and you’ll probably feel the hair strands. Some babies have thicker hair growth at birth, which gives them defined brows.

But no matter your newborn’s eyebrow appearance, it’s all normal. Just like babies with eyebrows, babies without visible eyebrows are perfect the way they are.

My newborn has no Eyebrows! Is this normal?

If it seems like your newborn has no Eyebrows, don’t panic. There’s nothing wrong with your bambino. Infants are born with eyebrows, whether they’re visible or not.

Here’s why. 

Some babies are born with fine hair, while others have more defined hair growth. That’s why it might appear your infant has no eyebrows, but if you run your fingers around your baby’s brow area, you’ll likely feel the soft hairs. That’s perfectly normal. 

Once your infant becomes two (2) months old, you’ll notice his eyebrows start to darken and become more visible. That’s genetics coming into play.

If your little one has inherited black or brown hair, you can expect their eyebrows to darken sooner than blonde hair coloration. 

So, before you Google ‘newborn no Eyebrows,’ take a deep breath and relax. There’s nothing wrong with your little one.

My baby has no Eyebrows! What may be causing this? 

Baby no Eyebrows
My baby has no Eyebrows or Eyelashes! Is this normal?

If you’re concerned about why your baby has no Eyebrows, there can be several reasons behind this. However, the good news is that none of the reasons are worrying. Here’s what they are. 

Gestation Period

The term ‘ baby born without Eyebrows’ ranks pretty high on search engines. The reason why it seems your infant has no facial hair can be very straightforward and relates to the gestation period. 

Premature babies have lighter hair growth compared to babies born at full term. Babies start developing hair follicles around the 14th week of gestation.

By the 20th week, they start growing hair around the upper lips, chins, and eyebrows. And by the 22nd week, hair growth begins around the back, shoulders, forehead, and ears. 

This hair growth is typically very fine and can be described as ‘peach fuzz.’ The technical term for this type of hair growth is ‘lanugo,’ and babies shed this growth before they’re born.

However, premature babies can be born with lanugo, which makes their hair very thin at birth, making it seem like they have no hair. 


Your baby’s genes can significantly affect hair coloration and growth. For example, a baby’s eyebrows might become defined sooner if he inherits black or brown hair from his parents. Conversely, babies with blonde hair may take some time before their eyebrows become noticeable.


Another factor that can play a role in how your infant’s eyebrows develop is ethnicity. Latin American and Asian genes generally give way to abundant and dark hair growth compared to Nordic or European genes. 

That’s why babies with Asian genes will typically have more defined eyebrows than infants of the same age with European or Nordic roots.

Dark hair is more defined than blonde hair. If your baby has blonde hair, it can take some time before they darken and become more visible.

Are Babies born with Eyebrows? 

Yes, babies are born with eyebrows. Hair follicle development starts at week 14 of gestation. By the 20th and 22nd week, infants experience fine hair growth around the eyebrows, foreheads, upper lips, shoulders, etc. This peach fuzz-like hair growth is called lanugo.

Do Newborns have Eyebrows?

Yes, newborns have eyebrows at birth, though the brows can vary in color and texture depending on various factors.

For example, some newborn Eyebrows are well-defined and dark in color, whereas others are thin and very light in color. 

However, if you’re concerned about newborn crusty Eyebrows, this has to do with seborrheic dermatitis (also known as Cradle cap). This condition is a type of skin rash that causes scaly or crusty patches to form on the baby’s scalp and eyebrows. The good news is Cradle cap generally goes away on its own.

When Do Newborns Get Eyebrows?

If you’ve been asking, “When Do newborn Eyebrows come in?”, the answer is at 22 weeks in utero. Remember, babies are born with eyebrows. It’s just that some infants have thinner hair than others, which is why their eyebrows aren’t visible. 

Newborns with Eyebrows aren’t a rarity. However, due to several factors, sometimes a newborn’s eyebrows aren’t very defined. This can be due to being born prematurely, genetics, or ethnicity.

When Do Babies Grow Eyebrows? 

When Do Babies Eyebrows grow in
When Do Babies Eyebrows come in?

When Do baby Eyebrows come in? Generally, babies’ eyebrows start ‘growing in’ after 6o days (or 2 months). At this time, you can see their hair become thicker and darker, making their eyebrows more defined and noticeable. 

If your little one is two months old and you still don’t see their eyebrows, you’re probably wondering, “When Do Baby Eyebrows come in after birth?”

Take a deep breath and relax. The 2 to 3-month time range is a guideline to help parents understand when their babies can develop prominent brows. However, it’s okay for some babies to take a little longer and grow in their brows at four months.

When does Eyebrow development begin in babies?

Eyebrow development begins when babies form hair follicles in the 14th week in utero. By the 22nd week of gestation, babies grow hair on their brows, foreheads, upper lips, and chins.

You can expect a newborn baby’s Eyebrows to be thin or somewhat thick and prominent. There’s no such thing as having the wrong type of eyebrows.

Even if your baby has an indent around the brows instead of visible hair, avoid searching the internet with words like 3 month old baby no eyebrows because this is normal.

It’s possible your little bundle of joy is a late-bloomer and is taking his own sweet time before showing the world his gorgeous brows.

Why are my Babies Eyebrows so light? 

The color of baby Eyebrows can change or vary due to a few reasons. For example, one of the factors affecting your baby’s brows can be ethnicity. 

Children with Asian or Middle Eastern genes will typically have darker-colored hair. In contrast, babies with European or Nordic lineages have lighter-colored hair and eyebrows.

Another reason why babies can have really light eyebrows is genetics. If either or both parents are fair-haired, the chances of their baby inheriting that color are much higher. Although, if one of the parents is dark-haired, the probability of the baby having brown or black hair will be at about 50 percent. 

Finally, babies can have light eyebrow hair if they’re premature. Premature babies can retain their peach fuzz growth (lanugo), making it seem as if the infant has light or no hair.

When Do Babies Eyebrows Get darker?

Eyebrows on Babies start becoming darker when they turn two (2) or three (3) months old. However, some babies can take longer and start showing dark eyebrows at four (4) or five (5) months of age.

Baby’s Eyebrows falling out! What to do and should I be worried? 

If you’re concerned about your Baby’s Eyebrows falling out or disappearing, this is generally due to two reasons.

The first reason has to do with lanugo hair. Lanugo is the term used to describe peach fuzz-like hair premature babies have at birth. They’re supposed to shed this hair to make room for new growth. 

Babies develop hair follicles as soon as 14 weeks in utero. That means your infant is born with all the necessary follicles and will grow new hair as he grows and matures. 

The second reason is that your baby may have cradle cap. This is a type of skin rash that causes scaly patches around the scalp or brows. Cradle cap generally resolves itself after a few weeks. Once the patchy skin disappears, it might seem like your baby has no hair. 

But, as with lanugo, your tiny tot will develop hair as he grows, and you’ll likely see new hair coming in at the 60 to 90-day mark.

Why are my baby’s Eyebrows red and dry?

Parents often ask about their babies’ eyebrows. If you’re curious about your baby red Eyebrows or have been asking why your baby’s Eyebrows red and dry, you might want to pay attention here. 

A baby’s eyebrows can turn red when they’re tired. This occurs because babies tend to rub their faces or heads with their fists when they feel sleepy. It’s just normal baby behavior. 

On the other hand, if your search query includes the words ‘baby’s Eyebrows dry skin,’ it’s possibly due to cradle cap. Cradle cap is a non-infectious skin concern that’s common in newborns. 

The problem typically resolves itself after a few weeks, but pediatricians sometimes advise using almond or coconut oil to massage the patchy skin areas before using a mild baby shampoo.

What are the white spots on baby’s eyebrow?

Wondering what are those white spots on baby’s eyebrow? The answer could be Milia. These are tiny white lumps on the eyebrows and other areas of a baby’s face. 

Milia occur due to blocked sweat glands and are common in infants. Fortunately, Milia will resolve itself as your baby’s sweat glands develop.

However, if you notice crusty skin or a rash around the white lumps, it’s best to contact your pediatrician for advice. 

If your concern is baby dry Eyebrows, along with white spots or patches, your baby might have a slight case of cradle cap. This skin condition occurs due to excessive oil production by skin glands. The good news is that cradle cap is not infectious and generally doesn’t require treatment.

My baby has cradle cap on Eyebrows! What should I do?

Cradle cap in Eyebrows and scalps is a common concern in newborns. It’s a skin condition that causes scaly patches due to excess oil production.

If your baby has cradle cap between Eyebrows, it’s best to seek the advice of your pediatrician. While cradle cap eyebrow isn’t a serious concern, it can require treatments like antifungal or hydrocortisone cream.

If the doctor says your baby only has a mild case of cradle cap, they will likely recommend oiling with almond or jojoba oil before washing your baby’s hair with mild baby shampoo.

What are some at-home cradle cap Eyebrows treatment options?

Cradle cap eyebrows treatment at home isn’t too tricky, but we still advise referring to your child’s doctor before trying them out. 

Since cradle cap causes scaly patches on your baby’s skin, treatment often centers around loosening the scales to make room for healthy skin or hair growth. Treating cradle cap on Eyebrows is the same as treating the scalp area.

Here are three tried-and-tested methods on how to treat cradle cap on Eyebrows at home. 

1. Hydration

Hydration plays a vital role in cradle cap in Eyebrows treatment. This method requires parents to oil the affected areas with sufficient amounts of jojoba or almond oil.

Allow the oil to stay on your baby’s skin for 20 to 30 minutes, and then gently rub the skin to loosen the scaly flakes. 

You might run into the term ‘cradle cap Eyebrows breast milk’ during your research on the skin condition. This is because some folks believe mixing breast milk with baby shampoo is a good home remedy for cradle cap.

However, it’s best not to add anything to your home treatment routine you’re not 100 percent certain of. If you have any questions, it’s best to consult with your baby’s pediatrician.

2. Shampooing

Another helpful trick on how to get cradle cap out of Eyebrows is using a mild baby shampoo to wash away the oil. However, be careful not to get any shampoo in your baby’s eyes during this step, even if the shampoo promises to be gentle on the eyes. 

If you’re trying to wash away the oil on the eyebrows, dip your finger in a small amount of shampoo and gently rub each eyebrow. Use a damp washcloth to wipe the soap to keep it from entering your infant’s eyes. 

3. Brushing

Brushing your baby’s skin with a brush made specifically for cradle cap is a good way of removing scaly flakes. We recommend that you be very gentle when brushing the baby’s skin, and if your infant’s skin turns red or irritates fairly easily, it’s best to limit brushing to once a day only.

Will my Baby’s Eyebrows grow back?

Parents might think their baby doesn’t have facial hair, but babies are born with eyebrows. Their hair can be thin or light at birth, which makes their eyebrows seem invisible. 

Other times, premature babies are born with lanugo or soft, fuzz-like hair, which they shed later on. But, no matter the case, you can expect your infant’s hair to grow thicker and darker at two to three months of age. 

What are some safe and natural ways to encourage eyebrow growth in babies?

Since babies are born with hair follicles, doctors don’t typically advise resorting to organic home remedies to help encourage eyebrow growth. 

However, certain methods prescribed below can help parents combat cradle cap, keep their babies’ skin hydrated, and stimulate blood flow to encourage faster hair growth.

In short, you can rely on the following remedies without worrying about harmful side effects. 

1. Oiling

Coconut oil has long been hailed as a hair growth stimulant in natural medicine, and for good reason. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E and helps stimulate blood flow. 

Oiling your baby’s eyebrows with a small amount of coconut oil will be beneficial in keeping the skin hydrated and boosting hair growth. 

2. Shampooing

Not all parents agree that frequent shampooing is suitable for a baby’s skin. However, babies with cradle cap require frequent washing because cradle cap results from excessive oil production (by skin glands). 

Similarly, if your baby has cradle cap on his eyebrows, it’s a good idea to wash the eyebrows with a mild shampoo gently. You won’t need too much soap, and it’s best to use a damp washcloth to wipe the shampoo away. 

3. Using Soft Towels

A baby’s skin is very delicate. Using a towel too vigorously can damage your little one’s hair follicles and affect hair growth. You can avoid this and promote oil circulation by using a soft towel (made for infants) on your baby’s skin and eyebrows. 

4. Brushing

Since good blood circulation ensures healthy hair growth, you can use a soft, silicone baby toothbrush to brush your tiny tot’s eyebrows after oiling them. This can also be particularly helpful when trying to loosen flaky skin in babies with cradle cap. 

5. Nutrition

Babies younger than six months old should rely on breast milk or formula for nutrition. In fact, the quality of milk can also affect the growth of Eyebrows hair.

According to several studies, a baby who consumes breast milk features stronger and thicker body hair compared to babies that consume formula milk.

Therefore, it’s wise for parents to keep an eye on their baby’s growth to see if their tiny tot’s diet is enough as far as necessary vitamins and minerals are concerned. 

If you have a toddler, here are some of the most nutrient-rich meals that you can offer your child to stimulate Eyebrow growth:

Vitamin-Rich Foods:

  • Kiwi fruit
  • Peaches
  • Cabbage
  • Fresh orange juice
  • Broccoli
  • Sprouts
  • Almonds
  • Carrot juice

Iron-Rich Foods:

  • Fish
  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Legumes
  • Eggs

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can be used to darken and thicken a baby’s eyebrows. For this approach, you can use the pulp of aloe vera on the Eyebrows area.

Afterward, just wait for half an hour before you wipe it off. Along with offering stronger hair, this pulp can repair and restore your child’s skin.

Keep in mind that you should use fresh aloe vera without any commercial mixes to avoid harmful side effects.

7. Don’t Do Anything

It might seem like a silly advice, but it’s quite effective. If your baby is healthy and eating well, their hair will thicken and darken over time. With a nutrient-rich diet, your baby will be able to enjoy full-grown Eyebrows as well as good overall health.

Are Babies born with Eyelashes? 

When Do baby Eyelashes grow
When Do Babies Eyelashes grow in?

If you’re concerned about your baby’s Eyelashes and why you can’t see them, don’t be. Babies are born with eyebrows and eyelashes.

The only difference is that some babies have light-colored and fine hair, making their lashes difficult to see. However, this doesn’t last long. That’s because babies will develop darker and thicker hair as they approach the two to three-month mark.

Do Newborns have Eyelashes?

Yes, newborn babies are born with eyelashes and eyebrows. Although some have darker hair that’s more visible, while others don’t.

For example, blonde newborn Eyelashes will typically be more difficult to see than black or brown ones.

When Do Babies Get Eyelashes?

So, when do babies Eyelashes grow in? Babies develop eyebrows and eyelashes at 21 to 22 weeks of gestation.

In short, babies have eyelashes and eyebrows at birth. 

If you’re wondering, “When do baby Eyelashes grow?” the answer is you’ll probably see your baby’s eyelashes growing thicker and darker once he or she is 60-days old.

When Do Babies Grow Eyelashes?

It might not seem like it, but baby Eyelashes is a popular topic among first-time parents. Babies grow their eyelashes at 22 weeks in utero. They’re born with facial hair, though it becomes more visible when they turn three (3) months old.

When Do Babies Eyelashes and Eyebrows Get darker?

The eyebrows and eyelashes of babies will generally turn darker two months of age or older. Some infants achieve prominent brows and lashes faster than others due to genetics and other factors, while others can take up to five or six months for noticeable hair growth. 

Do all Babies have long Eyelashes?

Whether or not a baby will have long lashes depends on his genes. If one or both of the baby’s parents have luscious lashes, it’s likely the baby will grow to inherit them. 

When Do Babies Eyelashes Grow to Full Length?

Generally, you can expect a baby’s eyelashes to grow to full length by three (3) months of age. However, some babies may take up to four or five months to grow full length eyelashes. 

Baby with thick Eyebrows

Babies can be born with thick eyebrows, depending on several factors. These include genes and ethnicity. Generally, infants with black or brown brows might have thicker hair due to one or both parents having the same feature. 

Can a Baby’s Eyebrows Change Color? 

how to grow Eyebrows in newborn
Do baby Eyebrows change color?

A baby’s eyebrows can change color before the pigment finally gets distributed and settled at around 7 or 8 years of age. Until then, your little one’s eyebrows can vary in color. Here’s why. 


Human hair color is determined due to two types of melanin: eumelanin and pheomelanin.

A high concentration of pheomelanin leads to red or blonde coloration.

On the flip side, a heavy concentration of eumelanin results in black or brown hair. That’s why some babies are born with lighter brows that grow darker over time, whereas others can start off with brown brows that can turn red or blonde as they age. 


How light or dark your baby’s eyebrows become is also related to genetics. The human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes, with 50 percent inherited from the mother and the other 50 inherited from the father. These contain genetic information carried on from generations. 

Additionally, coloration depends on recessive and dominant genes. Dominant genes often lead to darker coloration, and recessive genes produce light colors.

So, whether your baby’s eyebrows change color or become light or dark with time depends mainly on the parents’ DNA.

Is it ok to draw Eyebrows on my baby?

It’s not advisable to draw eyebrows on your baby using a brow pencil because these might contain ingredients that are harmful to your baby’s skin. Some babies have sensitive skin and can develop skin conditions as a reaction to such products.

Therefore, drawing fake Eyebrows on your babies is not a good idea even though it has become a new trend on the internet.

Although some parents are using different color markers to draw eyebrows on their children, it is not recommended.

However, if you want to be creative and draw fake Eyebrows on your little ones, it’s best to consider some safety measurements.

First of all, you should stick with washable makeup and eyeliners that are approved by FDA US Food and Drug Administration.

Also, consider only using products that are advertised for sensitive baby skin. This will allow you to be creative while protecting your child’s delicate skin.

Permanent markers and sharpies are a no-no when it comes to drawing fake eyebrows on your baby (after all, these products are marketed as “Permanent” for a reason).

Last but not least, if you want to add a unibrow (say for Halloween), use stick-on mustache or other safe accessories. Be sure to monitor your little ones at all times and ensure these accessories stay out of your babies’ mouth. 

So, When Do Babies Get Eyebrows?

To conclude, babies are born with eyebrows and eyelashes. However, their brows take time to thicken and darken. Generally, your baby’s eyebrows and lashes become more visible two months and up. 

Related Questions

What week do babies get Eyebrows?

Babies grow their eyebrows and lashes at 22 weeks in utero. That’s halfway around the fifth month of pregnancy.

Can a baby be born without eyelashes or eyebrows?

Genetics and in-utero hormonal changes might lead to a baby being born without eyelashes or eyebrows. However, this will generally resolve once the baby is born and develops his or her independent physiology.

When do Babies get eye color?

Babies are born with their eye color stamped within their DNA. However, a baby’s eyes can change color over time and lighten or darken depending on the genes he inherited from his parents.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional pediatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your pediatricians or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.




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